Structure Request Form
Delivery Address
Delivery Address

Maximum file size: 10MB

The estimated delivery times provided by LeBLANC are approximate and subject to change. While we will endeavour to meet these estimates, delivery may be affected by factors beyond our control, including but not limited to weather conditions, carrier delays, and supply chain disruptions.

LeBLANC is not liable for any loss, damage, or inconvenience resulting from delays in delivery. We recommend allowing additional time delivery during peak periods and unforeseen conditions.

Material Acceptance
Any Missing or Damaged Members/Hardware must be reported within Three (3) working Days of Delivery. Notification after this period may not be accepted and LeBLANC will not be liable for any loss’s and costs and delivery of re-supply will be at LeBLANC’s discretion.

All such issues should be highlighted on the drawings with quantity discrepancies / issues noted and forwarded to LeBLANC for action.

By submitting this request form you acknowledge the terms and conditions of the sale and supply and additional terms documented herein.